Team Effort Saves the Day for Stranded Family

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are impacted by the DC accident.

September 6, 2019

Team Effort Saves the Day for Stranded Family

We love to celebrate our employees who make raving fans of the airport through outstanding customer service. This month, we honor five employees that helped a stranded family in need.


Pictured above left to right:

Ann Adams | DAL Global Services (Delta)

Jim Pernice | Wichita Airport Authority

Annie Davis-Warner | DAL Global Services (Delta)

Hayle Griffith | Southwest Airlines


Pictured below:

Jimmie Morgan | DAL Global Services (Delta)

Jimmie Morgan

We share our gratitude for these five employees. Not only are we appreciative of their continued dedication to their duties, but they have also shown outstanding customer service and care for a recent family traveling through ICT. Here is the story:

August 29 was a typical day at Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport until that evening when a flight diverted to Wichita from Dallas. On that flight was an overwhelmed family of six wandering about the terminal. A Delta agent, Jimmie Morgan, came to their rescue.

It wasn’t long before Jimmie discovered that this family did not speak English, and he knew he had to help. The family was heading to Kansas City when their flight was diverted to ICT due to weather. There were no flights to KCI until the following day, so Jimmie knew he had to help. He walked the family all the way to the DoubleTree hotel where he checked them in for the night. 

The following day, August 30, the same family of six approached a Southwest agent, Hayle Griffith, with very confused looks on their faces. When Hayle discovered that the family did not speak English, she turned to the Airport’s Courtesy Crew rep, Jim Pernice. A member of the family had a phone number written down on a piece of paper, which he presented to Jim.  Jim used his personal phone to call this number.  After several attempts, there was no answer. Jim tried to explain to the man there was no answer, but he could not understand him. Looking at the papers in the man’s hand, Jim spotted an old boarding pass for a Delta flight that was heading to Kansas City, but diverted to Wichita. Now, Jim understood the family’s concerns.

Jim took the family to the Delta counter, where they were greeted by Annie Davis-Warner and Ann Adams. Hayle and Jim explained the situation to them, in hopes that they could help. The four of them tried to use several translation applications, in efforts to understand the family, but simply couldn’t figure out what language they were speaking.

While Annie was working to get the family boarding passes for a flight to Kansas City, Jim tried to contact a Kansas City phone number that the family had written down. Finally, Jim got an answer. After identifying himself and explaining the situation, he discovered that the individuals were refugees and the number he had called was a refugee service in Kansas City. Jim then gave the company the family’s flight information and they assured him that someone would be waiting for the family when their flight arrived.

It was about 9:00 am by this time and the family was so overwhelmed that tears began to fill their eyes. After calming them down, all four employees took the family to the TSA checkpoint. Not only did Annie help them through security, but she also covered their meal at River City Brewing.

Annie and Ann waited with the family at the gate until their flight arrived. While waiting, Ann continued to call the first number they gave Jim and finally got an answer. On the other line was family members waiting for the passengers in Kansas City. Quickly, the family’s tears turned to tears of joy and faces lit up with comfort and great appreciation.

Great job Annie, Ann, Jim, Hayle and Jimmie for making six more raving fans of ICT. Wichita Eisenhower Airport is grateful for your outstanding patience and care for this family in need.


Are you a Raving Fan of ICT?

Has an airport employee provided you with above and beyond customer service? We’d love to hear about it so we can recognize them. Email us your raving fan story to [email protected].

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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