ICT Sets New Passenger Record in June

July 30, 2024

ICT Sets New Passenger Record in June

A record 175,880 passengers flew in and out of Wichita Eisenhower National Airport during the month of June, beating the old record of 169,541 set in June 2019. For the first six months of 2024, passengers have exceeded 2019’s record year by 2%.

June enplanements were 87,592, an increase of 10.85% while scheduled seats increased 8% compared to June 2023. For the year, total passengers are up 8.04%. There were 35 average weekday departures in June compared to 30 last June.

The increase can be attributed to American Airlines’ new service to Washington, DC and Phoenix. Also, American increased capacity to DFW 8.6% and Chicago 87.4%. United Airlines increased Houston flights by 35%. Southwest’s Las Vegas service, which began in November, also boosted passenger demand.

Key statistics:

June 2024 Passengers

Enplaned (out)87,59279,01810.85%435,342403,6727.85%
Deplaned (in)88,28880,14610.16%432,170399,2878.24%
TOTAL PASSENGERS175,880159,16410.50%867,512802,9598.04%

Outbound cargo tonnage fell 9.09% and inbound fell 11.26%.

More passengers lead to increased concession revenue. Food and gift receipts were up 9.36%, rental cars up 7.8%, and parking revenue was up 19.54%.

Aviation reports can be found under Airport Business.


Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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