ICT Reports 13 Consecutive Months of Increased Passenger Traffic

August 14, 2019

ICT Reports 13 Consecutive Months of Increased Passenger Traffic

In July, 167,449 passengers flew in and out of ICT, making 13 consecutive months of increased passenger traffic.  For the month, total traffic increased 7.37% over July 2018 and for the year, total traffic is up 7.53%.  To date, 1,017,499 total passengers have flown in and out of ICT.

Fueling the growth is Allegiant’s new Destin service which started in June.  Frontier’s low-fare service to Denver continues to have an impact.  Comparing Q1 2018 with Q1 2019, passenger traffic to Denver has increased 92% while fares have decreased 47%.  American Airlines also contributed with an 18% increase in enplanements.

Additional capacity also helped.  In July, there were 9% more seats on 3.2% more flights.   Even with the additional capacity, flights were pretty full, with an average load factor for July of 87%.

On the air cargo side, more tonnage is going out than coming in.  Cargo enplaned tonnage decreased 5.36% while deplaned cargo tonnage increased 3.38%.  For the year, enplaned cargo tonnage has increased 2.23% and deplaned cargo tonnage has increased 12.94%.

July 2019 Passenger Traffic

AIRLINEJULY 2019JULY 2018# Difference% Difference
Frontier2,037 -2,037100%

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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