COVID-19 Travel Survey Results

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are impacted by the DC accident.

July 1, 2020

COVID-19 Travel Survey Results

The COVID-19 Travel Ban survey was launched on March 18, soon after the COVID-19 pandemic reached the U.S.  The purpose of the survey was to gauge the sentiment of travelers’ intention to travel as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

The majority of responses to the survey were in the 55-64 age group, followed by 35-44.  There were 485 responses in March, 199 in May and 101 in June. (Very few responses were received in April).

In March, 67% of respondents indicated they were afraid to travel because of COVID-19.  In May, that statistic was reduced to 48% and in June 42%.

More people canceled travel plans in May, 64%, than in March, 52%, which is understandable since COVID-19 hit our market in mid-March.  While June respondents show fewer people are canceling travel plans, there is an increase in those that did not have any plans.

In March, fear getting the coronavirus and the risk of getting quarantined were the biggest reasons for cancelling trips.  In May, travel restrictions were the biggest reason.  Fear of getting the coronavirus and risk of being quarantined tied for second. In June, the risk of being quarantined was the biggest reason for canceling trips followed by travel restrictions and concern of getting the coronavirus.

Interesting to note that in March, there was a higher percentage of people who said they were very likely or likely to travel after travel bans are lifted and the coronavirus threat has passed than the May and June statistics.

Regarding when you would take the next business trip, both months were about equal; they don’t know.

June respondents appear to be more anxious to take a leisure trip; 22% indicated they would travel within 2-4 weeks, up from 16% in May and 12% in March. 

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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