Wichita Eisenhower National Airport Reports March Activity

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are impacted by the DC accident.

May 3, 2021

Wichita Eisenhower National Airport Reports March Activity

Wichita Eisenhower National Airport reports that 83,841 passengers arrived and departed in March, a 9% increase from March 2020. Passenger enplanements increased 12.4 percent, with 41,634 boarded. Year-to-date, passenger enplanements are down 42.2%, at 93,003. For the year, total passengers are at 188,362, down 42%. However, we are making progress. January and February passenger traffic was down 58% Last March, the pandemic started to affect passenger traffic and several flights were canceled.

There were 59,715 scheduled seats for the month, a decrease of 34% from last March. Loads averaged 69% full. The average number of scheduled weekday departures in March were 22 compared to 28 in 2020. For comparison, in March 2019, there were 33. Revenue from food and gift concessions increased 16% in March. Rental car revenue increased 11.76%, but parking revenue was down 41%.

There was a significant increase in air cargo activity. Outgoing cargo increased 40% and incoming cargo increased 35.4%. For the year, total air cargo is up 14.8%.

View the aviation reports in Airport Business.

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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