Wichita Eisenhower National Airport Receives National Recognition

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are impacted by the DC accident.

March 10, 2022

Wichita Eisenhower National Airport Receives National Recognition

Wichita Eisenhower National Airport achieved a National Recognition Award in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) 2022 Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) competition—the “Academy Awards of the engineering industry” for the runway rehabilitation and electrical improvements. 

H.W. Lochner was the civil engineering firm selected to define the project, develop the construction documents and provide construction phase services.  Pearson Construction, the general contractor, headed the construction team that included Atlas Electric, Cillessen & Sons, Inc.H, M6 Concrete Cutting & Coring, GSI Engineering, Vance Brothers, Cardinal/International Grooving and Grinding, GSS, Pavement Pros, Reddi Fence, and SEG.  

The main elements of the work included:

  • Runway 1L-19R pavement rehabilitation and keel (center) section replacement, pavement markings, electrical system and signage improvements.
  • Runway 1R-19L pavement rehabilitation, pavement markings, electrical system and signage improvements.
  • TWY D-3 removal to eliminate a hot spot and improve airfield safety.
  • TWY B-1 (partial) removal to eliminate a hot spot and improve airfield safety.

This five-phase project began with numerous coordination meetings with all involved partners – FAA, commercial airlines, general aviation tenants, U. S. Customs and Border Protection and cargo airlines. The project implemented sustainable development.  Asphalt millings were utilized for haul road improvements, reducing off-site waste.  Hard rock aggregates such as crushed granite, quartzite, and trap rock were used as they are less susceptible to D-cracking which causes pavement deterioration from freeze/thaw.  LED light fixtures replaced edge, centerline, and touchdown zone lights while reusing existing runway edge light bases and conduit.  The LEDs will greatly minimize airport maintenance and power costs. 

Left to right: John Oswald, Airport Engineering & Planning, Chris Flageolle, Lochner, Charles Fletcher, Chairman of the Wichita Airport Advisory Board, Jesse Romo, Director of Airports, Matt Jacobs, Lochner

The project finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Construction began August 20, 2019 and ended 674 days later on July 29, 2021, 22 days ahead of schedule.  The as-bid construction cost was $19,145,621.77 while the actual cost came in below that at $19,069,257.25, a difference of $76,364.52.  Project funding included multiple FAA grants and airport revenue.

The project was the winner of 2022 ACEC (American Council of Consultants) Kansas AND National Competition for Innovative and Outstanding Engineering – Transportation Category plus the winner of 2022 MO/KS Chapter ACPA (American Concrete Pavement Association) Excellence in Paving Award for Commercial Service and Military Airports.  The project has been entered into National ACPA Competition.

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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