ICT Reports Best Ever September on Record

October 24, 2023

ICT Reports Best Ever September on Record

In September 2023, Wichita Eisenhower National Airport marked a significant milestone as it set a new record for the month of September. A total of 73,230 passengers boarded flights from the airport, representing a notable 5% increase over the figures from September 2022, when the previous record was established. The month’s enplanements not only demonstrated substantial growth but also exceeded pre-pandemic levels from September 2019, which had 68,483 passengers – an impressive 7% rise.

In September, the airlines added 8.3% more scheduled seats compared to September 2022 to meet the growing demand for travel at ICT.  Increased use of the airport leads to additional service in terms of capacity and destinations.   These statistics underscore the airport’s essential role in facilitating travel, business, and economic activity in the region, making it an invaluable asset to the community and the broader region.

  • September 2023 enplanements: 73,230
  • September 2023 total passengers: 146,603
  • September 2022 enplanements: 69,718
  • September 2022 total passengers: 135,630

Revenue from food and gift sales increased 7.7% and parking revenue increased 7.8%.  However, there was a decline in rental car revenue of 2.84%.

The aviation statistics can be found in Airport Business.


Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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