Airport Authority Awards New Terminal Contract

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are impacted by the DC accident.

July 25, 2012

Airport Authority Awards New Terminal Contract

Date: July 17, 2012

The Wichita City Council, which sits as the Wichita Airport Authority, on Tuesday voted unanimously to award a new airport terminal contract to Key Construction and Walbridge, a Wichita-based joint-venture firm.

Earlier during Tuesday’s Airport Authority meeting, Authority members voted 5-2 to deny an appeal from a competing contractor, Dondlinger/Hunt, which was protesting its disqualification for work related to the new terminal project.

Tuesday’s  actions followed a July 3 vote when City of Wichita Board of Bids voted unanimously to reject the Dondlinger/Hunt appeal, a denial that sent the bid dispute to the City Council/Wichita Airport Authority.

Tuesday’s vote marked the third time in the bid process that the Dondlinger/Hunt appeal had been rejected. In addition, the Wichita Airport Advisory Board (WAAB) voted unanimously to support awarding the terminal contract to Key and Walbridge of Detroit. Key/Walbridge submitted a bid price of $101.5 million.

Dondlinger/Hunt submitted a bid of $99.4 million but it was ruled unacceptable, or non-responsive for failure to meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines related to sub-contractors that the Kansas Department of Transportation certified as Disadvantage Business Enterprises.

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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